Full Steam Ahead For Centenary Celebrations In June!
Published 8:12pm on 8 May 2023
Preparations for the Centenary weekend 9th,10th and 12th June are going well with lots of activities being organised. Polo shirts and caps are still available and members can now book for the Barn Dance and Cream Tea. For full details of everything that is happening go to the Centenary Section of the website.
Main Picture: Keep Fit group showing off their Centenary Polo Shirts.
Also pictured: Alistair Clarke Portland Marina Manager handing over £250 sponsorship for the Centenary. The club was delighted to receive a donation of £250 from Boatfolk, who are based at Portland Marina. Marina Manager, Alistair Clarke, came along to the club to present the payment to Sara Lloyd who, along with Andrea Clarke, is responsible for organising the centenary events.
The money will be put toward a celebration cream tea to be held after a Centenary Sail Past on Sunday, June 11.
Alistair is also the Cadet Officer for the Sailing Club, and the presentation was made on the first Cadet Sailing morning of the season with 30 excited youngsters watching and three of them holding up the Boatfolk flags.