YCW Keelboat Regatta 2024 - 13/14 July
Published 10:42pm on 15 Jun 2024
Back in 2022 we had two days of fabulous sailing in the bay with members of Weymouth Sailing Club. The feedback was awesome. The programme was designed to be fun with 'all in starts', free entry, free beer and a free buffet at the prize giving; it was all a great success thanks to the Regatta Chair, Richard Bowers and the Race Officer, Peter Bell, plus Sarah and Garry Owens from WSC who organised the prize giving.
In 2023 we had to cancel owing to a horrendous forecast. However, this year, as perfect conditions have been guaranteed by all political parties, it should be absolutely wonderful!
Owing to changes within the Yacht Clubs of Weymouth it was agreed earlier this year that Weymouth SC and Castle Cove SC will be the organising authorities on alternate years. This year it is WSC's turn although our very own Pete Bell has once again agreed to be the race officer.
Both clubs have agreed to use the new YTC handicap which is free but you need to get your skates on and apply.
WSC Grand Surprise sailors, Garry Owens, Ricky Bruton and Tim Gallego have agreed to sponsor the event with their respective companies which will help the event to be even more fun. We are very grateful to them.
Please enter ASAP to help us organise this free event.
The Notice of Race is now on the website https://weymouthregatta.uk/ as is the link to applying for a YTC number.
See you on the water.
Andy Gaunt